Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Assalamualaikum....Salam Sejahtera...
Alhamdulillah, I panjatkan kesyukuran ini ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan izin-Nya dapat i hasilkan blog ini, ruang tuk i luahkan n catatkan kenangan n perjalanan hidup i sepanjang menempuh kehamilan i...
i choose this as a platform for me to share with all of you my journey throughout my pregnancy.
GOD, thanks for the precious gift. You have heard my prayers....
to my hubby, AHMAD NAZRI...i love you, sayang. alhamdullillah, we had succeed...i need you support to go through all these days...
to my future baby...mama will take good care of you, insya allah...mama n papa will be happy and anxious to meet you next year.
so...let's start...

Enjoy reading...